Double Grind Honey Garlic Chicken Breasts


4 huge boneless, skinless chicken breasts

2 cups all-purpose flour

4 teaspoons salt

4 tsps black pepper

3 tablespoons ground ginger

1 tbsp newly ground nutmeg

2 teaspoons ground thyme

2 tsps ground sage

1 teaspoon chili pepper

2 tbsps paprika

4 eggs

8 tbsps water

2 tbsps olive oil

3 to 4 cloves diced garlic

1 mug honey

1/4 mug soy sauce (reduced salt favored).

Canola oil for frying.


Prepare the Hen:.

Squash the poultry busts to 1/2 inch thick utilizing a meat club, placing them between two sheets of cling wrap to prevent mess.

Season the Flour:.

In a large bowl, filter together the flour, salt, black pepper, ground ginger, nutmeg, thyme, sage, cayenne pepper, and paprika. Divide this seasoned flour combination in half, reserving one half for later use.

Make the Egg Laundry:.

In a separate bowl, blend with each other the eggs and water to develop an egg laundry.

Coat the Poultry:.

Period the squashed chicken busts lightly with salt and pepper.

Dredge each item of hen in the skilled flour, then dip it into the egg laundry, and finally layer it once more in the skilled flour. Make sure each piece is extensively covered.

Fry the Poultry:.

Heat canola oil in a huge frying pan over medium warmth. You will certainly need enough oil to cover all-time low of the skillet kindly.

Fry the hen busts in the warm oil until they are gold brown and crispy, around 4-5 mins per side. Ensure the chicken is fully cooked with.

Get rid of the poultry from the frying pan and area it on a plate lined with paper towels to drain any kind of excess oil.

Prepare the Sauce:.

In a little pan, warm the olive oil over tool warm. Add the minced garlic and sauté until it becomes great smelling and golden, taking care not to shed it.

Include the honey and soy sauce to the saucepan, mixing to incorporate. Allow the combination simmer gently for a couple of minutes till it thickens a little.


Shower the honey garlic sauce over the crunchy hen breasts and serve quickly. Appreciate with your preferred sides such as fit to be tied vegetables, rice, or a fresh salad.

Oven-Baked Version:.

For a lighter variation of this dish, you can cook the hen rather than frying.

Preheat the Oven:.

Pre-heat your oven to 425 ° F (220 ° C). Prepare a baking sheet by lightly oiling it with oil.

Prepare the Chicken:.

Comply with the very same steps for squashing, seasoning, and layer the chicken busts as defined over.

Bake the Hen:.

Area the coated poultry breasts on the prepared baking sheet.

Cook in the preheated stove for 15 mins. Flip the hen busts over and continue cooking for an additional 10-15 minutes, or up until the chicken is fully cooked and the coating is crispy.

Prepare the Sauce:.

While the poultry is baking, prepare the honey garlic sauce as defined in the directions over.


As soon as the chicken is done baking, shower the honey garlic sauce over the leading and offer hot.

Food preparation Time:.

Prep Time: 20 mins.

Cooking Time: 20 mins.

Complete Time: 40 minutes.

Enjoy this delicious and satisfying Dual Grind Honey Garlic Hen Breasts dish, best for a weeknight supper or a special event!

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